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「機内空気の清潔さは、手術台の周りに200人の見学者が立っている手術室の空気と同等だ」と語るのは、HAWハンブルグ大学で航空機デザイン・システムグループ長を務める、Dieter Scholz教授だ。





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In June, airlines have begun what they hope is a path to recovery as capacity in many regions has increased to more meaningful levels. Executives are hoping that passengers will react to the return of some offerings and resume flying in numbers significant enough to reduce the dramatic cash outflow occurring in what would normally be peak season.

One of the most important factors is the trust that flying is safe. Passengers want to know they are unlikely to be infected with the novel coronavirus during the journey. The International Civil Aviation Organization has defined guidelines for resuming flying safely without quarantines and without forcing airlines to leave the middle seat empty.

Airlines have largely gotten it their way. Regulations are making flying a little more inconvenient for passengers. Wearing a face mask for hours may be unpleasant, but it is bearable and will not keep many from making necessary business trips or families from vacationing if all the other steps in the process are adhered to properly.

Disclaimer: Some of the following conclusions are based on four intra-European flights during the week of June 15 and conversations with other travelers. They are not reflective of anywhere near a complete picture, but they paint one that is concerning enough to write about.

The first problem is that a substantial number of passengers are not abiding by the new rules. Many who have started flying again will confirm that social-distancing rules at airports are often not being followed. The distancing may work at security lines, but the usual chaos typically ensues during boarding. Moreover, while face masks are mandatory, all too often people ignore the requirement.

The second problem is a lack of strict rules reinforcement. Airline staff and automated announcements remind people that the crisis is not over and that certain behaviors are expected. It is not surprising that after weeks or months in lockdown many are weary of limitations. Passengers are not paying attention to the rules, and staff are not reinforcing rules enough—if they did, boarding time would likely be excessive. But for aviation to start a recovery in earnest, discipline is crucial.

Airlines also have been vocal in the public debate around the air inside cabins and the use of high--efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters onboard. Doing everything to promote the idea that flying is safe is understandable: Airlines have a high interest in regaining passenger confidence. But to compare an airline cabin to an operating room is misleading. 

Additionally, HEPA filters only work throughout the journey when the air conditioning system has been turned on prior to boarding—based on evidence, that is not (yet) the case on every flight in spite of the promise by industry to introduce new procedures.

“The air quality inside an aircraft is comparable to that of an operating theater when 200 people stand around the operating table watching,” says Dieter Scholz, a professor and head of the aircraft design and systems group at HAW Hamburg University.

This leads to another crucial question: Should the middle seat be left empty? Airlines have approached the issue in different ways. Delta Air Lines has been the clearest, leaving the seat free for now as long as load factors permit. The International Air Transport Association says the seat vacancy does “not add any healthy benefit,” so it is “strongly opposed” to making empty seats mandatory.

HEPA filters may be as efficient as airlines claim, but they do not prevent you from being infected by your immediate seat neighbor in a full cabin. To compensate for the lack of spacing, FFP2 masks would be required. But given insufficient supply and the fact that the equipment is supposed to be reserved for medical personal, regulators such as the European Union Aviation Safety Agency recommend passengers use medical face masks one tier below the FFP2 standard. Passengers are not even using these—opting instead for the types of masks used for shopping.

However one looks at COVID-19 and flying, the risk of being infected, though small, is certainly not zero. Scholz calculates that it is 10 times more likely for someone to get the virus onboard than to be involved in an aircraft accident.

There are many legitimate reasons for flying to resume; there are also many legitimate reasons to be concerned. The decision is one individual travelers have to make themselves. But industry must implement rules and processes more forcefully, be transparent about the remaining risks and not be caught making questionable claims. There is more work to do.